Anti-Aging Tips You’ve Never Thought Of

Sleep and aging; anti-aging tips

Anti-Aging Tips

There’s a lot of confusing information out there regarding lifestyle changes that may help to slow the passage of time. Some make perfect sense; avoiding cigarettes and too much sun, or drinking lots of water, are important for maintaining supple skin and preventing wrinkles. However, there are other steps that we can take that may not immediately come to mind. These steps can go a long way towards holding back the clock when it comes to your face. Below is a list of anti-aging tips you may not have thought of.

Exercise your face.

Many of us exercises our bodies regularly in order to keep our muscles strong and toned. Regular exercise can certainly benefit our skin by improving circulation, which can speed cell turnover. But our facial muscles need exercise, too. A few simple moves can help to tone the jaw line and minimize sagging. You can find instructions on how to exercise your facial muscles by going to the Livestrong page on how to tone your face.

Avoid pulling or tugging around the eye area.

The skin around your eyes is thin and delicate. It’s important to avoid tugging at this delicate eye area when putting on or taking off makeup in order to avoid making bags and wrinkles worse. There are many natural eye makeup removers that are gentle, while cleaning off makeup thoroughly. If you aren’t sure what to use, try soaking a cotton pad in olive or coconut oil and using this to remove makeup. Oil attracts oil, so makeup should come off easily without a lot of effort. You can then follow this with a mild detergent-free cleanser or eye cream. Always use a light touch when applying eye cream or serum. Avoid vigorously rubbing your eyes or squinting, as well.

Pay attention to how you sleep.

Your sleep habits may be contributing to the development of wrinkles. For example, do you sleep on your side or on your stomach? If so, the friction caused by your sheets can cause it to develop creases that can become permanent wrinkles over time. Sleeping on your back can certainly help. If this doesn’t work for you, look for satin sheets and pillowcases. A satin pillowcase can reduce friction and help prevent creases to your face. It can also be good for your hair by minimizing static electricity and minimizing friction to the hair’s cuticle.

Cut down on sugar intake.

It’s well known that excess sugar consumption causes a phenomenon known as glycation. When this happens, sugar molecules attach themselves to protein and lip molecules in the skin, resulting in loss of elasticity and damage to collagen and elastin. This can lead to sagging and wrinkle formation. Try to limit your total sugar intake to between 6 an 9 teaspoons per day. Read labels to determine how much added sugar is in your food. Limit sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice. Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is also important.

Eat a healthy diet.

“You are what you eat” was never more true than when talking about our skin. Often the foods that we eat may be lacking in essential antioxidants, which are needed to fight free radical damage to our skin. Environmental toxins can also create free radicals, and too much sugar or processed foods can affect our immune system, lowering our skin’s ability to heal. In fact, there are often a combination of factors that together can contribute to lowered circulation, hormone disruption, illness, and ultimately dull, lifeless skin.

By making a few simple lifestyle changes, we can go a long way towards keeping the largest organ in our body as smooth and supple as possible as we age.

Huffington Post: The 6 Everyday Habits That Can Cause Wrinkles
Today article on 4 Rules for Added Sugars

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